Tuesday, May 17, 2011

iphone 4 back glass replacement

iphone 4 back glass replacement. New OEM Back Glass Housing
  • New OEM Back Glass Housing

  • spazzcat
    Mar 29, 09:15 AM
    Yes there are, android are the market leaders(by volume) ~33%, Apple are third after Nokia with ~16% market share.

    iphone 4 back glass replacement. iPhone 4(Red). Honeycomb
  • iPhone 4(Red). Honeycomb

  • wintercs
    Mar 28, 10:40 AM
    I am a current VZW Blackberry Tour customer. I'm currently eligible to upgrade to iPhone 4 (Verizon has gone well out of its way to make me aware of this). My patience has truly been tested, as I've been assuming all along that iPhone 5 would be coming out in June.

    So what the hell do I do now? I'm not waiting until 2012.

    iphone 4 back glass replacement. iphone 4 back cover glass.
  • iphone 4 back cover glass.

  • BC2009
    Apr 7, 11:46 AM
    If the demand for touch panels increases then the manufacturers of touch panels will rejoice and expand their business thus increasing the supply. The real problem here is that RIM probably wants terms on touch panel production that are not all-too-inspiring to the manufacturers to warrant expansion. For example, Apple is confident that they will sell X units of iPads in Y units in 2012, and so on. So Apple prepays for what they need.

    RIM is not as confident with their Playbook. They probably need contingencies in any long-term orders they place to ensure they can get out of buying touch panels they won't need. If these were 9.7-inch panels then the manufacturer could care less. Anything RIM walks away from, they can turn around and sell to Apple (very smart of HP). However, who is going to buy all those 7-inch panels if RIM's Playbook gets off to a false start? Samsung? Nope -- they make their own panels from what I have heard.

    Supply and Demand.... When there is real demand for more touch panels from consumers than those being supplied to Apple for iPad then the manufacturers will expand their production and take advantage of the opportunity to increase profits. The real problem here is that RIM's attempt at media hype is not equivalent to real customer demand. The only tablet with a large amount of customer demand right now is the iPad. That is part of why I tend to believe that the "media tablet" category is a figment of the imagination for market analysts. Market analysts assign a level of demand to the "media tablet" category and make projections, but the difference between the "iPad" category and the rest of the "non-iPad media tablets" is staggering. The iPad category is flourishing, the "non-iPad media tablet" category is a fledgling state at best (if not failing).

    If not for Apple's success with the iPad how many manufacturers would have already thrown in the towel with "media tablets" and once again written it off as "the technology for tablets is just not there yet for mass consumption". Tablets failed in various forms for over a decade. iPad is the first and only mass market success in this area. If not for Apple, there would be no such thing as "Honeycomb" or HP Touch Pad or Playbook -- these guys are hoping they can figure out what Apple did right and find some way to ride the same wave the iPad is on -- while technical specifications are there, they have not yet figured out the "magic" of iPad -- ease of use, awesome software market, and the emotional response Apple manages to evoke with their user experience. Just a few examples of emotional response.... There is something delightful about pinching a stack of photos to spread them out across the screen or the way Apple's tiled app icons and folders gets adults to collect apps the same way their kids collect trading cards -- these are very emotional things that Apple seems to understand.

    EDIT: I failed to make it clear, but I do hope that touch panel production expands for RIM and others to get the supply they need. I like Apple having competitors because Apple tends to take the good things competition comes up with and add them as line items to their proactive project plans. I don't believe that competition drives Apple (certainly not in the way that Apple's actions or Apple's critics are basically driving the competitions plans). Apple is a bit more proactive, but when they have a worthy competitor, Apple certainly picks up on any "good" ideas the competition has had that happen to fit with their long-term plans. I also applaud RIM and HP for not going the "me-too" Android/Honeycomb route. There is something to be said for not selling out to a third-party on software.

    iphone 4 back glass replacement. iPhone 4 CDMA Verizon Back
  • iPhone 4 CDMA Verizon Back

  • McGiord
    Apr 10, 05:17 PM
    Agreed. Anyhow, writing math with ascii characters sucks, however you put. Most people who aren't used to see math in ascii see / as a ______ and not as a direct translation of � or (...)^-1. Other than the people who blindly follow PEMDAS and think multiplication has a precedence over division, like our lovely math teacher did a couple posts above, I think the poll would tend a lot more towards 288 if the question was posted with TeX (or another proper form).

    I think this poll has more to do with how bad math can be written in plain characters than it has to do with the average person's understanding of math. Hey, I got it right, but I spend a lot of time using math and do see it a lot in plain characters, but I know most people aren't engineering students.

    Well Paolo, what is your answer?

    iphone 4 back glass replacement. glass back on the iPhone 4
  • glass back on the iPhone 4

  • twoodcc
    Aug 2, 11:00 PM
    Nope. The entire line will be Core 2 Duo by Thanksgiving. MBP will get speed bump to 2.33GHz for further differentiation while MB will remain 2GHz. No logic to keep buying Core Duo processors for the same money as Core 2 or less than they bought Yonah to begin with. They are already making record profits. I doubt they will deliberately cripple mini, iMac and MB when everything is selling like hot cakes anyway. There are plenty of other ways each line differentiates from the other. To leave any line in Core Duo would be outright greedy and I dont' see Apple as having that personality trait.

    I fugure it's a 50-50 chance Steve tells the developers next week they can start thinking about 64-bit optimization due to the Core 2 shift that will be complete this year.

    you act like the Core Duo (Yonah) is terribly slower than Core 2 Duo (Merom), but benchmarks have showed that they are very similar in performance. i don't see the big deal about upgrading all of them now, when the current chip has plenty of power

    iphone 4 back glass replacement. 4(Yellow). Honeycomb
  • 4(Yellow). Honeycomb

  • rxse7en
    Aug 11, 10:53 AM
    Could Apple technically squeeze a Xeon proc into the MBP?

    iphone 4 back glass replacement. iPhone 4 White Glass
  • iPhone 4 White Glass

  • callmemike20
    Apr 19, 02:22 AM
    Where is this "extreme left" of which you speak? The furthest left we have in government is probably Dennis Kucinich, who is really barely left of center, AFAICT. The problem is that we have people who think compromise means " Just do what we want any nobody gets hurt." rollercoasters belong in the funpark, not the capitol.

    Please forgive me for being crass, but your math, you have to buy me a new calculator, it made my old one explode. ;)

    That 5 billion was supposed to be the total government debt, not just the debt for the current year. I just never got around to using it in my example.

    EDIT: You can also say that we don't have an extreme right since no right congressman is proposing total anarchy or privatization of the police departments. It's all relative to the country we are in. I am aware that there are further left people in other countries. There are also countries that allow the cutting off of hands for small crimes. Would we allow an idea like that in this country? I don't think so.

    iphone 4 back glass replacement. iPhone 4 Replacement Brushed
  • iPhone 4 Replacement Brushed

  • thejadedmonkey
    Aug 4, 03:28 AM
    This is not a question of Appleinsider being reliable, more a matter of rumor sites making a guess that is absolutely obvious. There is no way that Apple could _not_ use Merom in the future, since Intel will sell it at exactly the same price that it charges for Yonah today.
    Well, Steve Jobs could always announce that Apple is transitioning to PPC G6 chips, and that the x86 reign is over ;)

    iphone 4 back glass replacement. Img 4
  • Img 4

  • aldejesus
    Mar 30, 11:05 PM
    Good catch, I thought I saw 15"

    I was sharing this because I found it interesting, its supposed to be just 384MB shared. Just thinking if Lion enables more memory shared??:rolleyes:

    iphone 4 back glass replacement. White Transparent Glass Back
  • White Transparent Glass Back

  • bogen
    Aug 7, 05:21 PM
    Can't wait to get one for work, ok I really really can't wait

    iphone 4 back glass replacement. iphone 4 back glass
  • iphone 4 back glass

  • �algiris
    May 4, 03:56 PM
    Many countries have caps. US, Canada, Australia.

    Many is not all. Let's not assume.

    iphone 4 back glass replacement. iPhone 4 4G 4th Gen Back Cover
  • iPhone 4 4G 4th Gen Back Cover

  • generik
    Sep 16, 08:14 AM
    I am not that greedy, give me the same DL drives that have already been on PC laptops since 2 years ago and I will be happy :rolleyes:

    iphone 4 back glass replacement. iPhone 4 Glass Repair (Front
  • iPhone 4 Glass Repair (Front

  • joeboy_45101
    Aug 4, 09:05 AM
    Where does this leave Conroe and Allendale? Apple's marketing strategy has always been that the PowerBooks (MacBook Pro) have faster processers then any of the iMac offerings. The Conroe and Allendale (Desktop) chips run faster then the Merom (Mobile) chips.

    So when Apple does ugrade the iMac is it going to use the desktop processer or the mobile one? If it uses the Conroe and Allendale chips it risks breaking it's arbitrary rule of keeping the iMac slower than the PowerBook (MacBook); on the other hand, if Apple decides to use the Merom chips in the iMac then the iMac will be slow compared to offerings by other companies, who would be using the faster Conroe or Allendale chips.

    I think Apple should ditch it's old, worn-out marketing strategies. Who cares if the iMac is faster than the MacBook, it's not like I can carry around an iMac or sit it on my lap. The MacBook is portable power, the iMac is affordable power!

    iphone 4 back glass replacement. iphone 4 back glass. iphone 4
  • iphone 4 back glass. iphone 4

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 7, 11:23 AM
    Eventually the ipad will only be 0.1%.

    0.1% of the number of documented viruses on tablets that is.

    iphone 4 back glass replacement. $8.99. Silver Transparent
  • $8.99. Silver Transparent

  • extraextra
    Jul 21, 03:02 PM
    Now all the MBP's need are new enclosures, and I'm sold!

    MB's aren't going to get Merom so soon because they've only been out for a little while (as opposed to the MBP's) and I think there needs to be a bigger differentiation between the MB's and MBP's.

    iphone 4 back glass replacement. 4 glass repair,iphone 4
  • 4 glass repair,iphone 4

  • milozauckerman
    Aug 7, 10:00 PM
    I don't see a heatsink on that Crucial RAM.

    iphone 4 back glass replacement. Back Housing Cover Glass Case
  • Back Housing Cover Glass Case

  • Mac'nCheese
    May 6, 05:44 PM
    We do? Not the impression I get.

    Sorry, forgot to put that part in blue.

    iphone 4 back glass replacement. iphone 4
  • iphone 4

  • NATO
    Apr 18, 04:43 PM
    Then they should sue google for making android so similar to iOS, not Samsung. And im not sure if the "look" of icons on a screen can be patented anyway.

    That's the thing, stock Android isn't really anything like iOS, it's Samsung's proprietary UI which is added on top which makes it more iOS-like (in the same way that HTC has their own proprietary 'Sense UI' to differentiate their products from the competition)

    iphone 4 back glass replacement. iPhone 4 Black Back Cover
  • iPhone 4 Black Back Cover

  • w_parietti22
    Jul 30, 01:17 AM
    I don't think I've hated any company so passionately as I hate Verizon. I have not one positive word to say about them. If/when Apple announces a phone, I'll pay the early termination fee on my Verizon contract and jump to the carrier with Apple's phone. Hopefully that'll be Cingular.

    Hopefully it doesnt have a carrier. Just a sim card slot. (which = no verizon ;))

    Mar 29, 01:40 PM
    I'd pay a premium for products manufactured in the US.

    Products might be more expensive, but there would be more Americans employed. As much are there is a downside to producing here, there is also an upside.

    All the companies competing with Apple would have to do the same, otherwise Apple could never come even close to competitors' prices.

    There is nothing wrong with companies using resources abroad. It's called specialization. Why produce something for more money and less efficiently when it can be done better and cheaper elsewhere?

    Apr 21, 06:38 PM
    Add a couple SSD slots, and lose the superdrive & PCIe slots.

    Could this become the fabled "headless iMac"?

    I need:
    8 Internal Bays.
    More PCIe Slots.
    Keep Dual Optical Bays.
    More Ram Slots.
    Built in Fibre Channel (This is a stretch)
    That should be a MacPro. What you guys want is that magic headless iMac. I want more, not less.
    Working in Video I need the most horsepower possible. 32 Cores would be nice.

    At home I can live with my iMac, but editing on it is a pain. A MiniMacPro might work there, but it will still cost 2k and people will bitch.
    For work I can justify spending $8,000 on a high powered PRO machine.

    Mar 27, 10:07 AM
    iOS 5 in the fall is a good thing, at least we know we will be getting some major changes, plus I don't mind waiting for a finished product!

    Mar 28, 10:51 AM
    You people can't wait an additional three months (July, Aug, Sept)?


    Apr 5, 02:48 PM
    I would like to see a photograph of the kind of person who would use that theme. Should be good for a laugh.

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