Tuesday, May 17, 2011

semana santa 2011 spain

semana santa 2011 spain. 04/10/2011 - Stella Banderas
  • 04/10/2011 - Stella Banderas

  • H00513R
    May 7, 10:10 AM
    I don't want more people bogging down the system. I want them to improve their mail service with tagging, grouping and searching options. Oh, and I want .mac back! :)

    semana santa 2011 spain. semana santa 2011 sevilla
  • semana santa 2011 sevilla

  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 23, 10:03 AM
    Why do I have some weird feeling that they will update the entire product line at WWDC?

    If they did, it could work out quite well from a marketing point of view. However, I doubt it will all happen at WWDC. Maybe around September.

    semana santa 2011 spain. semana santa 2011 sevilla
  • semana santa 2011 sevilla

  • nuckinfutz
    May 8, 01:59 PM
    This is easy to see

    MobilMe Becomes Free

    MobilMe gets laden with 1Ads

    All part of the Apple strategy

    I would be happy to keep paying $99/year for adfree Mobilme

    What exact strategy is this? People are confusing what Google, Yahoo or Microsoft would do versus Apple. Consumer are so encumbered with the concept that free means advertising they cannot see any other way. We've used iTunes for free since it's inception with nary an ad that didn't focus on media.

    I dun know if MobileMe is going free or not but I doubt Apple has much interest in advertising beyond the App Store.

    semana santa 2011 spain. semana santa 2011 sevilla
  • semana santa 2011 sevilla

  • balamw
    Apr 10, 07:33 PM
    Didn't all your methods, whatever they are called, give a priority to do the parenthesis operation first?
    It is not my assumption, it is the method/explanation given by others

    I already took that into account. Can't you see?

    48/2(12) is something we should all be able to agree on. anything in parentheses must be evaluated before anything else.

    x/y(a+b) becomes x/y(c). That's the P in PEMDAS and it's done. At this point there are only multiply and divide operations left. This is just x/y*c which should be evaluated left to right. Because it is indistinguishable from x*d*c = x*(1/y)*c. I can commute operands to get x*c*(1/y) and rewrite that as xc/y should I want to.


    semana santa 2011 spain. semana santa spain 2011.
  • semana santa spain 2011.

  • Multimedia
    Aug 3, 11:49 PM
    I'm gonna go on record and say they will NOT intro new MBP at wwdc. Some sales of the current MBP are better than none and if they they intro a new one they will not sell any and probably just take pre orders. Not gonna happen. They will wait until late August or early September to announce them when they are actually ready.Steve does not have to announce any new products to say they are going to shift to Core 2 across the board ASAP. :)

    semana santa 2011 spain. semana santa 2011 sevilla
  • semana santa 2011 sevilla

  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 16, 12:33 PM
    :mad::mad::mad: I am seriously starting to get pissed.

    9 Things the Rich Don't Want You To Know About Taxes (http://www.wweek.com/portland/print-article-17350-print.html)

    It's a long article so here are some excerpts;

    WTF does someone even do with 9 billion dollars?

    Don't you remember, it trickles down? Key points from your article.

    1. Poor Americans do pay taxes.

    2. The wealthiest Americans don�t carry the burden.

    Contrary to what Rand Paul says. The income tax is less than half of federal taxes and only one-fifth of taxes at all levels of government.

    3. In fact, the wealthy are paying less taxes.

    4. Many of the very richest pay no current income taxes at all.

    5. And (surprise!) since Reagan, only the wealthy have gained significant income.

    6. When it comes to corporations, the story is much the same�less taxes.

    7. Some corporate tax breaks destroy jobs.

    Due to loopholes and tax havens like the Cayman Islands. Average incomes fell during Bush years.

    8. Republicans like taxes too.

    President Reagan signed into law 11 tax increases, targeted at people down the income ladder. George W. Bush signed a tax increase, too, in despite his written ironclad pledge never to raise taxes on anyone.

    9. Other countries do it better.

    semana santa 2011 spain. Semana Santa 2011, BOSSÒST,
  • Semana Santa 2011, BOSSÒST,

  • wclyffe
    Nov 11, 05:39 PM
    Just a side note to all the discussion in this thread. I just searched the Navigon site for the European Version of the iPhone mount and the price to buy it is 39.95 Euros + VAT charges = 44.90 Euros (or $67.48), and does not count the shipping charges. At $67, it makes the purchase of the TomTom Car Kit at $87 an amazing deal. The Navigon kit is only the windshield mount and a charging cable.

    Here's the link if you want to look for yourself:


    semana santa 2011 spain. semana santa 2011 sevilla
  • semana santa 2011 sevilla

  • Multimedia
    Sep 15, 07:55 PM
    Anyone think that a gig of RAM might be standard in the MBP?

    It's already standard in the iMac, except the education model, and that's a "consumer" machine.I just went to configure one (makes me happy while I'm waiting) and 1 GIG ram stick was what came with the laptop as the standard option.You mean in the form of a 1GB stick wiht the other slot empty like they do already? :cool:

    My memeory is failing. I did know that.

    semana santa 2011 spain. semana santa spain 2011.
  • semana santa spain 2011.

  • CJM
    Jul 22, 06:49 AM
    I'm with you -X-

    Doesn't the iMac use the same intel chip as the MBP? Why all the hoohah about an impending MBP release, when it might also mean an upgrade for the iMac - which hasn't been bumped since it's announcement in Jan?

    Now before I'm lambarsted because the iMac is not a 'pro' machine, I am a professional graphic designer and I am in the market for one.

    Bring on the merom iMac! :cool:



    I don't want to see laptop updates, which seems to me to be the most reported thing on Macrumors right now. Bring on the iMac!!!

    semana santa 2011 spain. semana santa 2011 puerto rico.
  • semana santa 2011 puerto rico.

  • StyxMaker
    Apr 20, 11:44 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; de-de) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    the iOS rly needs a revamp, its getting really boring and dated after owning 3 generations. where r the damn widgets still and what use does lockscreen have if u cant add anything (jailbreak excluded)

    oh and get rid of that glass back ... what fool thought its a good idea. mine is sooo scratched but at least not yet shattered like so many others ik

    next phone might be a android after all

    What are you people doing to scratch your phones so much? I don't use a case with my iPhone 4, carry it in my pocket (sometimes with my car keys) and there's not a noticeable scratch on the front or back.

    semana santa 2011 spain. semana santa 2011 sevilla
  • semana santa 2011 sevilla

  • rmbrown09
    Mar 30, 07:10 PM
    I want to know
    1.) has the battery life + CPU and memory usage been improved?

    I need to take my Air to class and work, and i was getting about 2 hours cut off with Lion compared to 10.6

    That and it was eating my RAM for breakfast.

    Where is the changelog?

    semana santa 2011 spain. Semana Santa – Easter in Spain
  • Semana Santa – Easter in Spain

  • TangoCharlie
    Jul 23, 01:53 PM
    Niice. I would assume that they forgo using the 2.0 GHz chip though. Right now, their lineup is pretty solid using two different speeds. Unless the modify the structure of the lineup (as in lower prices), I think it would make sense.
    I aggree that Apple will only use two speeds in the upgraded MBP... but it'll be the slower two speeds. Even tho' Merom is supposed to be more energy efficent than Yonah, Apple will opt for the "cooller" lower speed cpus in the MBP. Similarly, when the "cut-down" Meroms come out (slower and smaller L2 cache), they'll be the CPUs used in the MacBook and Mac mini.

    As an aside, TFA states that Merom will be used in the MBP.... which is true, but Apple are also going to use it in an updated iMac too :-)

    semana santa 2011 spain. semana santa spain 2011.
  • semana santa spain 2011.

  • Sodner
    Apr 20, 07:25 AM
    It's not like me to pass on any Apple product upgrade but if the next iPhone is the exact same form factor and screen size with a camera upgrade, an A5 chip and 1 GB of ram, I'm passing.

    I use that money for a second iMac.

    semana santa 2011 spain. 2011 Holy Week (Semana Santa)
  • 2011 Holy Week (Semana Santa)

  • ptaylor874
    Nov 3, 09:31 AM
    I just wish the way it was mounted was better, not just glue.

    Ummm... It's not just glue. It uses the same suction mount as their other units. I think there is an adhesive disk you can use as well. (Not sure if you stick that to where you want to me able to mount it with suction or exactly how that works.)

    I've used a similar type of suction mount with Griffin's Window Seat. It's not just a simple suction cup. You place it where you want to put it, then turn another part to increase the suction. It sticks great to glass, be it the windshield, a side window, or the sunroof (for kids to watch in the back seat), for days at a time. The Window Seat isn't the best implementation of it - I understand that TomTom's is better (easier to attach and detach).

    semana santa 2011 spain. semana santa 2011 sevilla
  • semana santa 2011 sevilla

  • kntgsp
    Apr 20, 03:40 AM
    They can keep the form factor, just give us a bigger screen. Stretch it to the bezel.

    That thing is dying for a 4", hell even a 3.7" screen.

    semana santa 2011 spain. semana santa 2011 sevilla
  • semana santa 2011 sevilla

  • bruinsrme
    Apr 9, 05:24 PM

    semana santa 2011 spain. Semana Santa, Seville, Spain
  • Semana Santa, Seville, Spain

  • blow45
    Mar 29, 03:11 PM
    No, "best wishes" for our Japanese friends.

    "Prayers" to the flying spaghetti monster are a waste of time - put the people of Japan into your thoughts, don't involve some ficticious deity.

    Yeah, if you are to believe in a deity, you should first consult with uber belief commissar Aiden Shaw to allow you to say a prayer. :rolleyes:

    semana santa 2011 spain. santa 2011 sevilla spain.
  • santa 2011 sevilla spain.

  • Multimedia
    Aug 7, 04:23 PM
    Not really significantly faster than the G5 Quad. Maybe 50% faster at best. As owner of a Quad G5 my motivation would be more about the 6 bays and the FW 800 and extra USB 2 port on the front than the speed. :) Not worth the extra money to go 3GHz - 33% more money for 12% more speed doesn't make economic sense. Need 8 cores inside.

    semana santa 2011 spain. semana santa 2011 sevilla.
  • semana santa 2011 sevilla.

  • gugy
    Aug 2, 01:45 PM
    I know that everyone thought 30" would be too big before they were released, but still, 40" for a desktop screen? That's bigger then most TV's. Think about cost as well. 42" LCD's (not plasmas) run at least $3K, and are usually 1366x768. There's likely a few 1080p screens, which would be probably around $5K. Considering the 30" is 2560x1600, we're looking at something around 4000x2500 (or whatever the ratio is). That would be WAY too expensive to ever be feasible to anyone except for a SMALL percentage of people/companies.

    Yes, it would be expensive but some people out there and companies could afford. I bet the price would be the same when they introduced the 30" $3,500.
    If you think the advantages of such a monitor for Pro people, I don't think $3,500 is so bad. The monitor would pay for itself quickly.
    Bring it on Apple!

    Apr 20, 10:07 AM
    What justifies European & European colonial sense of entitlement in forums like these?

    I can buy an iPhone without contract and I don't live in Europe.

    This is a world phone.

    Jul 21, 03:45 PM
    * Compiler optimizations to take full advantage of multi-core processors.

    You don't know much about this topic do ya :p

    George Knighton
    Dec 15, 09:07 PM
    I did notice that Time Machine really screws up the Sophos program. It will hang on the Time Machine Back up drive and just get stuck

    Well. That's no good.

    Apr 25, 11:13 AM
    For the record, I don't see what the big deal is ... however, this could all just go away if Apple were to disclose the nature of the db file and what it's used for. As long as the explanation is benign and plausible, I'd think everyone would be satisfied ... except for the folks that are just looking to disagree.

    Anyways, unless there's a strategic or proprietary reason not to disclose the nature of the file, then they should just come out and explain.

    Jan 12, 09:49 AM
    Talk to GGJStudios about point #3. He will rip your head off and call you unprofessional :D

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